Fist Clenching...
Sweat dripping...
Lips quivering...
In the gyrations of an Akan fetish.
I lay pallid in the deafening silence of the darkness that holds me hostage against my will
It is only my eyes that shine light through to my desperate soul,
when worry and fear grips my aching heart.
And my dreary life becomes as sinking sands.
Our mouths collide
In a satisfying kiss...
where quivering flesh meets fragile glass...
Your toxic sputum courses through my veins...
re-awakening the numbness in my soul.
My heart pulsates with every drop of burning ecstasy that you bring.
My tears drown in your essence and we become as one.
You swirl with beauty, with grace and with the symphony of my throbbing head.
Let my life's journey be as smooth as the quick course of your existence mingled with mine
Allow me to devour every hope you give oh sweet sparkling spirit!
And hear my thought's mantra.
Let me embrace you in my soul's melancholy
and gaze on the red red drops of poisonous pleasure you give...till I lie still the crystal
casket that you once gave life.
Fist Clenching...
Sweat dripping...
Lips quivering...
In the gyrations of an Akan fetish.
I lay pallid in the deafening silence of the darkness that holds me hostage against my will
It is only my eyes that shine light through to my desperate soul,
when worry and fear grips my aching heart.
And my dreary life becomes as sinking sands.
Our mouths collide
In a satisfying kiss...
where quivering flesh meets fragile glass...
Your toxic sputum courses through my veins...
re-awakening the numbness in my soul.
My heart pulsates with every drop of burning ecstasy that you bring.
My tears drown in your essence and we become as one.
You swirl with beauty, with grace and with the symphony of my throbbing head.
Let my life's journey be as smooth as the quick course of your existence mingled with mine
Allow me to devour every hope you give oh sweet sparkling spirit!
And hear my thought's mantra.
Let me embrace you in my soul's melancholy
and gaze on the red red drops of poisonous pleasure you give...till I lie still the crystal
casket that you once gave life.
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