What do you do with this cruel loneliness? When there's a vacuum in your soul and your alone is a mess? What do you do on cold harmattan nights, When self loathing and your facial muscles are engaged in a brutal fight? How do you break out of those towering walls Where you built your home and buried in it your heart's pulse? You're now dead to the world Can anyone, the clanking metals of your heart weld? Poor Soul! "'Maybe I'll go for a walk and clear my head you say" But deep within your darkest thoughts you silently pray That you never meet happy lovers or hear your heart resonate the truth Or else,you start a candid analysis of your life and your wasted youth. "Maybe I'll eat well and workout more So I gain the voluptuous body all the men adore" I hope you find hope in yourself when your body is sore Oh how you forget so quickly that self-acceptance is bae. And that Baby, you're perfect in every effing way...