
Showing posts from April, 2014


THE WANDERING SPIRIT Tangled under an abyss of darkness; My heart yearns for the watering of a desolate soul. My soul cries out and screeches with the witches’ mandrakes And I reject my spirit being. The fears of yesterday are an avalanche in my soul disturbing the sanity and sanctity in me. It leaves me strapped in a gothic cave of imbalance. Find me the balance if this cursed world, And with every fibre in me, I will bow in hasty gratitude. I am on the run for freedom For everything in me must burn slowly In the light at the end of the tunnel.


THE DARKER BROTHER     Find me Galen’s tomb and I will show you a white skeleton with a frown so deep...   It speaks a thousand words. Galen’s white skeleton lies in the contrasting black black trenches of the earth Together with his ruthless comrade who whipped the Ethiopian’s back yesteryear. The land that lies far beneath Ethiopia is the coast of gold. It is filled with leopards whose black spots cannot be washed off. It is impossible to wash an Ethiopian white.   And the holy waters of the legendary Nile know full well. The music my ancestors danced to has been forgotten so soon. It is an illusion in the memory of your progeny. But you say the world we live in today is an integration of both past and present;   Old and new. And yet, you look at my darker brother with a scornful repugnance And spit on him with nauseating disgust. You who uprooted him from the land where our mother held him with unflinching affection I...


MY DEAR BROTHER CURTIS I don’t remember exactly how he sprang up from a little baby to a toddler who was learning to take infantile steps. But I could care less. I was deeply transfixed in my own world of school, trying to keep up with the “Bookworm” title I had achieved. I never paid any attention when he would move around with his make-believe steering wheel, honking and pushing people out of the way as he drove his imaginary car. He would almost always metamorphose from the driver he was to “Buzz light year” and then to “Captain Planet” all in a day. But to me, he was just a little boy who was engrossed in cartoons, Legos and miniature cars – just like all the others. At night, when I would keep my feet in freezing cold water to keep myself awake so I could study through the night, I would watch my brother sleep on the couch and snore like a little pig who had had a hard day of bathing in sloppy mud. Like always, he waited for someone to whisk him off to his room. But that ...


LOVE AND MORE WEED It rises through your veins Like the poison of an African black mamba Yet still, it does not kill But it gives pleasure, so immeasurable. Red eyes, craving, an unquenchable thirst. Puffs and puffs of sweet deadly smoke Escape through the lips and nostrils of my lover. His sensuous lips caressed my heart yesterday Today, his lips ripped my heart Into strips and scraps no one could ever fix. I can breathe no more, I choke on every pleasure you gain. I’m slowly suffocating In your love…and in what you love. Such indignation! I could never escape your fangs. The hands of a grandfather clock tick relentlessly. We could grow apart today, because what you love repels me from you But surely! We must meet! On one pivot, facing one direction. You are the enemy I could never escape And you are the friend I would always love. So it must be love, And more weed. More pain, And more gain You still bring tear...